Gaze into a dazzling world of your own creation and learn all about light, reflection, patterns, and fractals. This kit has everything you need to make this shimmering kaleidoscope but the best part is the removable object chamber, which allows you to swap out different objects and change the resulting colours and patterns. The different included trinkets allow you to make a colour changing kaleidoscope, a mystic glow kaleidoscope, a sparkling holographic kaleidoscope, or a snowflake kaleidoscope. You could also put in your own favourite trinkets to create your own one-of-a-kind kaleidoscope.
For over 25 years 4M has been specializing in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) kits and toys for curious kids. A leader for educational products that are fun and engaging, your kiddo will get to experiment and build their confidence along the way. When a toy can be creative, inspiring, entertaining, and educational all rolled into one, why that's perfect chemistry!
- for ages 8 and up
- contains everything you need to make your own custom kaleidoscope
- finished kaleidoscope measures 24cm long
- object chamber is removable so you can change the trinkets and resulting colours
- detailed instructions and fun facts and ideas for making different kaleidoscopes
- fantastic for S.T.E.M. home learning