How to Make a Fishing Net
This Weatherproof plastic tip card explains the techniques necessary to weave a net, this skill can be employed to weave fishing nets, sane nets, and various other fishing and trapping implements, as well as hammocks, and other nets for carrying and securing items.
Completely waterproof so you don't have to worry about being outdoors or keeping them out of the rain.
UV Resistant
Sun exposure is not a problem with this tip card.
Credit Card Sized Tip Card
This tip card is small enough to fit along with dozens of our other survival tip cards in a wallet slot, or Altoids survival kit.
Survival Tip Card
Dozens of from Grim Workshop exist, each with their own unique subject and focus, all containing valuable information, perfect for the avid learner, bushcraft, or hunting enthusiast, or as an emergency information kit in a mini survival kit, get home bag, or bug out bag