KJ Poultry's Gluten-Free Kosher Turkey Shawarma is the perfect solution for those seeking a tasty and nutritious meal without the hassle of cooking. As the largest kosher poultry plant on the Eastern Seaboard, KJ Poultry ensures their commitment to taste, quality, and kashrus in every product. Their shelf stable meals are fully cooked, made with the finest ingredients, and sterilized for freshness and texture, with no preservatives or MSG added. With a long shelf life of up to 3 years, these microwavable trays are easy to prepare, making them ideal for travelers, hikers, campers, and anyone in need of a quick and satisfying meal. The Glatt meals are certified by the Orthodox Union (OU), Rabbi Getzel Berkowitz of Kiryas Joel, and Under The Supervison Of The SBD (Sephardic Bet Din Of America) Bishul L’esfaradim.
Product will be packaged in pouches, cans, buckets or boxes. The product may or may not be labeled under a different brand but will be the same exact product listed and carry the same characteristics such as gluten-free, organic, non-GMO, all-natural, etc. Servings per pouch may or may not be exactly the same as shown in the product description but you will get at least as many servings as you order.