By Sarah Marie Wiebe, with a Foreword by Lindsay Keegitah Borrows, Anishinaabe and a member of the Chippewas of Nawash First Nation in Ontario.
For six weeks in 2012–13, Attawapiskat chief Theresa Spence undertook a high-profile ceremonial fast to advocate for improved Canadian-Indigenous relations. Life against States of Emergency responds to the central question she asked the Canadian public to consider: What does it mean to be in a treaty relationship today? This incisive research weaves together community-engaged research, Attawapiskat lived experiences, discourse analysis, ecofeminist and Indigenous studies scholarship, art, activism, and storytelling to advance a transformative, future-oriented approach to treaty relations. By centring community voices, Life against States of Emergency seeks to cultivate democratic dialogue about environmental justice. This book contains 19 photographs, 1 map.